This, for example, is widely used on machines controlled by the Mach3 program. For machines with full Z-axis control, users can program such jet cutting options as the burn height and cutting depth. Plasma, laser, hydroabrasive and gas-oxygen cutting. Unlike most CAM packages, the format of the SheetCam postprocessors is open and documented. Also, SheetCam allows users to edit and create their own postprocessors. These are small programs that are run at the stage of generating the output file and create codes for a specific machine control system. To cope with this problem in SheetCam and used by postprocessors. Although G-codes, in general, are standardized, some machines “speak” in different dialects of the G-code language.
A large number of postprocessors offered by the program extend the range of application of control programs created in SheetCam, on various machine tools. At a sufficiently low cost, the program completely absorbed all the necessary set of functions necessary for high-quality and professional programming of machining on CNC machines. Also the program perfectly copes with the basic CAM tasks of milling, engraving, batch drilling, laser, waterjet and gas-oxygen cutting.
Description: SheetCam – One of the best available CAM-packages for preparing G-codes for plasma cutting machines with numerical program control.